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Power Supply calculator!

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I know How important it is to have a stable Flow of electricity. Go to Power Supply Calculator

I Already know I have ample power in my PC, Skip to next step


Why it is so important?

If your power supply is struggling to keep-up with your computer when you use CPU intensive applications, it will end up damaged very soon due to over-heating. Most of the times, before completely dying, a power supply will start to fluctuate the voltage it feeds to your computer.

Imagine putting a light dimmer on your computer and then turning the knob around. Your hard drive would speed up and slow down every time the voltage fluctuates, your CPU will start giving out errors, so will your RAM ....

Combining all that it is only natural to have problems with your computing. So before you get an Anti virus scan, or anything of the sort, let's spend a minute calculating what power supply you computer needs.

You would be amazed to know how many problems are due to inadequate power supply.


What power supply do i need?

To calculate how much power your PC needs, we need to total the power (watts) requirements for each of the components, and then add a safety margin of 25 percent.


Your Power Supply must meet this minimum Rating

Model or Type
CPU Type
Graphic Card
Optical Drives
Hard Drives
Additional PCI cards
USB Devices
Max Power Used
Plus Safety Margin:

If your power supply doesn't meet this minimum requirement, then I strongly suggest you get a more powerful power supply. You can browse a list of the major computer hardware and equipment vendors for the most competitive prices.



NEVER buy the cheapest parts for your computer, starting from your power supply. Computer parts need a constant current that is free of distortions and fluctuations. Cheap Power supplies are likely to be more prone to voltage fluctuations than higher end models. Paying more for a power supply from an established manufacturer will save you time and money in the long run.


What power supply do i have?

To find out your power supplies' rating, read the Safety Precautions , and turn off your computer and open it. Look at the box where your electricity cable connects. You'll see a sticker with the power supply rating on it!

Do not hesitate to visit our Forum if you have any questions about Power Supplies.

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